best management and financial apps

Best management and financial apps to help save money

There are times when you might not be able to save money – especially when you don’t even know how to do it, or what costs to cut.

There are times when you might not be able to save money – especially when you don’t even know how to do it, or what costs to cut. If you’re a person with a normal income, it is already difficult enough to try to handle your responsibilities, such as paying bills, rent, daily expenses, insurance, and many others. So, saving money seems like a beautiful dream.

But now that technology is still on the rise, apps are being released with the intent of helping people manage their finances. Forget about the days when you had no idea where your money was going. There are actual apps that could help you with financial management – these can track your expenses and not only.

Here are some useful apps to help you manage your finances


Pocketbook is available for iOS and Android, and it’s an Australian budgeting app with a lot to offer. Basically, it has the ability to track your expenses and even set spending limits to make sure you don’t spend more than necessary.

It can be connected to your bank account very easily, which means your transactions are immediately tracked. With the limit, the app will make sure that you only spend your hard-earned cash on what you actually need.

You can also set reminders for your upcoming bills, not to mention that you can sync your bank accounts as well, so you avoid manual entries.

Australian Taxation Office

This free app does a great job of helping you keep track of cash. It works amazingly for small business owners, as well as individual taxpayers and not only.

With this app, you can use special tools and calculators to manage your money, but it’s not limited to these. It also allows you to record your tax deductions, manage them, as well as track your income tax return. You can also look for Australian business numbers and check some additional resources about SMSF. Whether your phone is based on iOS, Windows Phone or Android, this app will work.


Your Android or iOS operating phone can have access to Finch – an app that deals with the financial part of your social life. Created by Australians, the app works amazingly for people in the country.

It’s very useful when you go out with your friends and you want to split bills or track your spending, for example. Through this app, you can see if you’ve gone a little too far with your entertainment, and you can also pay for your friends.

If you’re someone with a very active social life, this app will help you a lot financially.


This app offers a brilliant way to get control of your finances. This application was created for Macs, Android and iOS devices, as well as iPad or iPod touch. Its goal is simple: to help you have full control over your finances.

Some of its features include making a budget based on how much you spend, or on your historical income. It also tracks your spending and makes sure to find the cheapest electricity and gas deals for your own convenience. It does a great job of helping people understand how they spend their money.


At its core, this app is not that different from Pocketbook or MoneyBrilliant. Sadly, it didn’t gain the same fame.

Frollo is an amazing option when you want to track your credit card or bank account expenses, and it does that by allowing you to synchronize them. The app is secure and has a nice interface overall.

If you want an easy way to track your spending, set challenges and sync your accounts, this app should be taken into consideration.


Are you a student who had to move away and live on his own, or someone who has shared housing? This app may prove to be quite beneficial. It works on iPad, iPod touch, iOS, and Android and it gives you the opportunity to track runaway spenders, debt and so on. In addition, you can also see who owes you cash and is offering you a hand in household spending and income organisation.

If you want an app that notifies you at every update and makes your life easier through tracking, try Splitwise.

Keep track of your finances

Keeping track of your spending is not that easy – especially since, sometimes, you might not take the right course of action. The apps presented above can make your life easier and ensure you stop impulsive spending by tracking the transactions of your bank account or card. Combined with budgeting planning; you can develop long term money habits. 

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