Have you missed credit payments?
If you are juggling credit cards, store cards or personal loans you might have lost track and missed payments. This can negatively impact your credit.
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Don't apply for multiple forms of credit
Multiple enquiries is a red flag for lenders and will pull your credit score down.
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How do I get a bad credit score? There are two key factors...

A bad credit score can play a large role in securing a loan. If you have a default, judgment or a black mark on your credit file, it will be even harder to secure the home loan of your dreams. But how do I get a bad credit score? How did you end up with that dreaded default on your credit file? Find out below…

How do I get a bad credit score?

1. Late or missed payments

Most people have a number of active credit facilities such as mortgages, credit cards, power providers and phone accounts. For the most part, we pay these accounts on a regular base, often using a direct debit facility. However, what happens when you are late making a payment or miss a few payments altogether?

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The credit provider is obliged to inform you first

In most cases, the credit provider is obliged to inform you of outstanding payments and how to remedy the situation. If the situation is not rectified within 60 days of the last bill then the credit provider does have the power to inform the credit reporting agencies and list a default against you.

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Some providers are more vigilant with reporting defaults

In most cases, the credit provider is obliged to inform you of outstanding payments and how to remedy the situation. If the situation is not rectified within 60 days of the last bill then the credit provider does have the power to inform the credit reporting agencies and list a default against you.

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Bad credit can make finance options more limited

Once you have such a listing on your credit report, your credit score will be adversely affected. This dreaded listing may result in a bad credit score. Having a bad credit score could make it very difficult to secure credit in the future, which will restrict your financial options.

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Take control of your financial history

Taking control of your credit score early on will ensure that you are financially capable of finance. There are many strategies to ensure that you keep a good credit score.

2. Credit enquiries

Most people have a number of active credit facilities such as mortgages, credit cards, power providers and phone accounts. For the most part, we pay these accounts on a regular base, often using a direct debit facility. However, what happens when you make a late payment or miss a few payments altogether?

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Don’t apply for loads of credit cards at the same time

A bad credit score can also be the result of credit inquiries. When applying for a loan, lenders will use the data gathered from your credit history and place it into their credit models. Each lender will have their own credit decision models developed purely for their requirements.

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Each credit provider looks at different things on your record

When conducting a personal credit check, loan companies will be looking at your previous credit history. This may include your payment record, number of other credit applications, how often you change address, whether or not you are on the electoral roll. Each creditor will use different credit scoring techniques to ascertain how creditworthy you are.

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Enquiries can negatively affect your credit score

Just conducting a credit check, the lender has already made an impact on your credit report. When a credit check is carried out, a ‘footprint’ is left. This indicates which lender has searched your credit file and when the search happened. These enquiries stay your credit file for five years and negatively impact your credit rating, leading to a bad credit score.

How Clean Credit can help

*see our full terms and conditions for details.

Clean Credit specialises in credit repair and can help you remove negative credit items such as defaults and judgments from your credit file. Through this service, Clean Credit has helped many people to restore their credit rating, allowing them to secure credit once again. Your bad credit score can easily be fixed. In fact, we can restore your credit file as soon as 30 days after contacting us.


Read about bad credit scores

What is Bad Credit?
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