Learn about your credit file
Your credit report is normally started when you make your first application for credit.
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How do I get a credit file?

Your credit file is generally created when you make your first application for credit. This can be a post paid phone plan, electricity account or internet provider. It doesn’t have to be a credit card.

To obtain a copy of your credit file you will need to contact the credit reporting agencies such as Veda Advantage and Dun & Bradstreet. You will have the option to pay for a copy of your credit file, which will be emailed to you immediately. You may also elect to have your credit file mailed to you for no extra cost. You may wait up to ten days for a credit report to be mailed to you. 

If you order a copy of your credit file, an enquiry will not be entered on your credit report. This is referred to as a “soft enquiry”, whereas an enquiry by a credit provider will be recorded on your credit file and is known as a “hard enquiry”.

Clean Credit specialises in credit repair. We can help improve your credit score through removing negative credit items such as defaults and judgments your credit file, helping you to restore your credit rating and once again secure credit.

How do I get a credit file? To order a copy of your credit report, you may need to provide the following information:

Find out more about your credit file

what is a credit file?
Credit File & Report

What Is A Credit File?

A Credit rating has such a huge impact on our lives, but so little is known about it. Learn what is a credit file, what info is stored and how it affects you.

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Make Sure There’s No Credit Default on Your Report
Credit File & Report

Avoid defaults on your credit report

Having a payment default on your credit report can greatly affect your next loan application. Every credit card holder should be aware of the negative effects of having credit default.

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