How long do negative credit listings stay on your file?
Bad credit can make it almost impossible to get a loan. Learn how long negative credit listings, such as defaults, credit enquiries, black marks & court judgments stay on your credit file & find solutions.
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no impact on your credit score

The Clean Credit process

With Clean Credit, the credit repair service is both easy and straight forward. We will quickly access your credit file to establish what is affecting your credit score and determine how correct the credit listings are. From here we will communicate any areas of concern with you, and tailor the right solution to help you get back on track with good credit listings.

Clean Credit has helped many people remove negative credit items, such as defaults and judgments from their credit files. This gives you the ability to restore your credit file, so you can borrow money once again.

How did you end up with bad credit?

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may end up with a negative credit listing on your file. Whether you missed a repayment due to oversight or had an emergency that caused you to go into overdraft, your credit score can very easily become compromised. It is important to understand why bad credit should always be avoided and how you can fix it if it’s already too late.

Clean Credit’s aim is to ensure bad credit doesn’t hold you back from getting a loan approved. Through our experienced and knowledgable service and value we offer our customers, Clean Credit can have your credit score back on track in a timely manner. This leads us to the question: “How long do negative credit listings stay on your file?”

What are credit listings?

Every Australian has a credit rating. This score determines how reliable you are as a borrower. If you have a high score, it means you have a strong credit history, have repaid all your loans on time and don’t have black marks against your name. On the other hand, if you have a low score, it suggests you have missed payments or even defaulted on a loan, or have had issues paying back loans in the past.

Your credit score is calculated based on a number of factors such as:

How do you get negative credit listings?

The credit listings on your credit file are recorded by your credit provider. Every time you miss payments or default on a loan, they can include these on your credit report.

This information appears on your report as a number from 0 to 7. It shows the age of your oldest missed payment, and it remains on your credit file for two years.

The credit provider doesn’t have to inform you when doing a credit listing for a missed payment on your credit file.

This is why it is always a good idea to check your credit file from time to time to ensure it is up to date with the correct information.

Credit defaults

A credit default is simply an overdue debt. If you have a debt of more than $150 and it is more than 60 days overdue, then this is considered a default on your loan. A default will be marked as a credit listing on your credit file and this will stay there for up to 5 years.

Understandably, lenders don’t look upon defaults favourably. They indicate you are not reliable when it comes to paying back a loan, meaning many won’t be willing to take a chance on you. This can significantly reduce your chances of being able to take out a loan in the future.

Court judgments

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If you are unable to repay your loan, a creditor may make the decision to take you to court. If your debt is taken to court, this is where a court judgment will come into place. It is a simple decision by the court that you owe the money. Depending where you live, the individual State and Territory laws differ when it comes to a court judgment.

It’s important to note that you can’t be sent to jail over a debt, however it will be marked as a negative credit listing on your credit file. Court judgments can last for up to 5 years on your credit file.

Black marks

A black mark is stamped onto your credit file if you have defaulted on previous loans, or have a history of not making your repayments on time. This is recorded as a black mark on your credit file on top of your negative credit listings. All applications for credit are recorded, so this takes into account any money you have owing.

Black marks can stay on your credit file from anything up to 7 years! If you are looking to apply for credit any time in the near future then it is worth contacting credit repair specialists to remove these black marks for you.

How credit enquiries may affect your score

Avoid making multiple enquiries

While it is encouraged to shop around for a loan, making too many credit enquiries in a short space of time can have a negative effect on your credit file and result in a poor credit listing.

It is important to understand the difference between hard and soft credit enquiries:

  • Hard credit enquiries occur when you apply for a form of finance with a lender. These are placed on your file to make note and alert other potential lenders that you have applied for credit. Hard credit enquiries generally remain on your credit file for up to 2 years.
  • Soft credit enquiries do not impact your credit score. They occur when companies such as mobile phone providers check your credit to pre-approve you for an offer. They also occur when you check your own credit score (which is highly recommended and FREE to do).

Applying for lots of credit makes you look bad

When you apply for a loan, the lender will make an enquiry about your credit file. This is noted on your file, whether or not the lender offers you the finance. Making too many of these hard enquiries is considered negative. A large number of credit enquiries can look as though you are stretching yourself financially and have been unable to acquire enough credit. It can appear to potential lenders that you have attempted to borrow above your means.

If you are seriously shopping around for the best loan for you, then make sure you do it in a short space of time (in the space of around two weeks). In this case, they will only count as the one enquiry and won’t create multiple negative credit listings.

Public awareness is key

Get in touch with our credit repair team

Our team of credit repair experts has a thorough knowledge of the relevant laws and legislations surrounding your credit file. As one of Australia’s leading credit repair specialists, Clean Credit is very well established within the finance industry. Being widely respected and having an efficient team of credit repair experts, who genuinely want to help, we can successfully liaise and negotiate with credit providers to dispute negative credit listings in your name. Find out more about how the credit repair process works and how we can remove negative credit listings here.

Ask Clean Credit to do your credit repair

The fastest, easiest and most successful way of removing negative credit listings from your file is to go through the process of credit repair with a reputable, transparent company. Clean Credit proudly boasts a removal success rate of over 90%. In fact, we are so confident that we can repair your credit file that we have a NO REMOVAL, NO REMOVAL FEE policy. This means that in the unlikely event that we are unsuccessful in removing a listing, your removal fee(s) are refunded back to you.

credit score gauge
How to avoid a bad credit score

Check your credit file for accuracy

Go through each listing for accuracy. Many credit reports contain inaccuracies that go unnoticed. Put in a credit dispute letter detailing everything you have found. This is sent to the credit agency asking to be corrected. In order for a credit provider to leave a negative listing on your file, they must follow a strict legal process. Many don’t, meaning you could have your negative credit listings removed.

The best way to get a copy of your credit file is to speak to Clean Credit. Contact us today and we can talk you through your credit file clearly and answer any questions that you might have.

How to remove negative credit listings

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Apply with Clean Credit

If you need help, enquire with us, to help remove negative listings. Credit repair is fast and easy.

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Request a copy of your credit file

Go through each listing for accuracy. Many credit reports contain inaccuracies that go unnoticed.

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Ask creditor to remove the listing

Contact the creditor and put a formal request to remove the negative listing.

Contacting the creditor to request removal of the negative listing

There is no harm in contacting the creditor or collection agency and asking for the credit listing to be removed. A goodwill letter is essentially a way of apologising and explaining your situation to the creditor in the hope of some sympathy in return.