Removing just one default can improve your credit score
Even if you have a single default, it can negatively impact your ability to borrow.
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Can't get a loan or credit card?

We provide credit repair solutions

NO-effect-on-your-credit-fileNO effect on your credit file
no impact on your credit score

Got a debt default you want to remove?

Credit repair example: Laura's debt default

Laura had a payment debt default to a debt collection company that was listed on her credit file in 2016. This default was making things very hard for Laura as the listing had lowered her credit score to 547. This meant she was unable to secure a line of credit to help her during quiet times in her business.

Clean Credit was able to remove this debt default from Laura’s credit file, which increased her credit score to 692. This meant she was able to secure a line of credit for her business.

laura's default listing
Before Clean Credit
Increased risk: 547
After Clean Credit
Reduced risk: 692

This scenario is an example based upon previous customer journeys, but not any specific customer. Image is a model for illustrative purposes.

Read more on defaults