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Direct debit request service agreement

Terms and conditions

  1. QuickPay (Debit User) will debit the Account nominated in the Schedule of the DDR as specified. Clean Credit Pty Ltd may, by prior arrangement, vary the amount and frequency of future debits.

  2. Should the original terms & conditions of this arrangement need to be varied a minimum of seven days notice will be provided. Queries arising as a result of any such variation must be notified to Clean Credit Pty Ltd two working days prior to the first debit date the variation would apply to.

  3. Deferment or alteration to the schedule is subject to the terms & conditions of any agreement between you and Clean Credit Pty Ltd whom QuickPay (Debit User) acts on behalf of.

  4. Debits will be identified on your bank statement by the use of the name QuickPay usually followed by a reference number.

  5. All payments must be met on the due dates. Please note that there is an administration fee of $25.00 for each time a direct debit payment is dishonoured.

  6. Clean Credit Pty Ltd may, in its absolute discretion, at any time by notice in writing to QuickPay (Debit User) terminate this request as to future debits.

  7. If a debit item is disputed, Clean Credit Pty Ltd must be notified immediately. QuickPay (Debit User) will endeavour to resolve this matter within industry agreed timeframes.

  8. Direct debiting is not available on the full range of accounts and as such you must check with your financial institution.

  9. It is your responsibility to have sufficient funds in your nominated account to permit a successful debit to be made. Direct debits usually occur overnight, however transactions can take up to three days, depending on your financial institution.

  10. If a debit is returned unpaid by the financial institution you will be responsible for payment of the debit plus any return fees and administrative costs incurred.

  11. To stop or cancel a direct debit, the terms & conditions of any agreement between you and Clean Credit Pty Ltd for whom QuickPay (Debit User) acts on behalf of must be complied with.

  12. QuickPay is a licensed commercial corporation. Collected funds are held in trust until disbursement. In event of fraud where QuickPay is not at fault, QuickPay will be free of any legal liability.

  13. No account records or account details will be disclosed to any persons except where such information is required in connection with any claim relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit.

  14. For your payment frequency/frequencies, please refer to the Clean Credit Fee agreement.

We have been provided with and have read the Service Agreement above and acknowledge and agree to same. We request this arrangement remain in force with the Schedule described above and in compliance with the Service Agreement. We authorise the Financial Institution Clean Credit Pty Ltd to debit the application and removal fees from my bank account, and authorise Clean Credit Pty Ltd to release information allowing the Debit User to verify my/our account details.

I/We hereby authorise and request the debt user detailed below to debit payments from my/our nominated account, specified below, at intervals and amounts as directed by Clean Credit Pty Ltd as per the Terms and Conditions of the Clean Credit Pty Ltd Agreement and any subsequent agreements through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System.

I/We authorise QuickPay, as the Debit User, User ID number 390388, to make withdrawals from my/our nominated account as determined by the centre named above. QuickPay, as the Debit User, acts as the billing agent for the centre named above and the service is administrative only and does not extend to the provision of any service or benefits provided by the centre named above. A transaction fee of $0.99 is applied to each direct debit transaction. Surcharge for credit card payments: Visa and Mastercard 1.5% AMEX 4%.

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