Experiencing difficulties in getting a loan is the best indication that you should focus on a credit repair. If your credit file has a bad history, financial institutions will be reluctant to give you a loan. Even if your business and income are doing great, chances are your loan applications will be rejected in case of a bad credit history.
Getting your credit file and finding out that your financial situation isn’t too bright, will make you wonder if there’s a possibility to improve it and how. Sometimes we appeal to a third party to shine some light on our options and help u fix the damages done to our credit file.
You know you’ll need a credit repair when:
- You’ve dealt with bankruptcy
- Have a court writ or/and a debt agreement
- You are having difficulties getting a loan
What to do to fix the problem
- Try to consolidate all your debts into one. This will lead to one payment per month together with lower fees and charges. Debt consolidation also helps you keep track of your payments easier, will boost your savings and allow you to pay back the loan faster.
- Talk to your credit provider about your situation. This can lead to a better payment plan and certain options you have but didn’t take into consideration until now.
- Pay back the loan with the highest interest rate. Once you’ve cleared the loan with the highest interest rate it will be much easier for you to take care of the other loans. Overall, you will pay much more if you’ll leave the loan with the highest interest rate last.
- Check your annual credit report for errors that might have occurred. There’s a chance that you won’t need credit repair after all, and that a mistake was made in your credit report.
Keep in mind that although a loan that was paid will improve your credit rating, a default payment will remain on your record for five years.
How can a credit repair service help?
Credit repair services exist because people sometimes need help to remove defaults or adverse information from their credit history.
It might be difficult to find a reliable credit repair service in the future, but it’s still a good idea to look for one as it will help you improve your credit history file and increase your chances of getting a loan approved.
A favourable contract determines the fees you’re going to have to pay, and in case things don’t go as planned with the chosen credit repair company, you won’t have to pay them anything. Also, avoid any agency that demands the money upfront or that has an aggressive and demanding attitude.
If the credit repair specialist is honest, he’ll tell you from the start if there’s a possibility to improve your credit file or not.
It is always a good idea to start a credit repair as soon as possible. Even though five years can seem a long time, if you start paying off your debt now, in five years it won’t even be on your credit file anymore and thus, leave you with a clean credit history!