The Top 5 Best Bargain Areas to Rent in Sydney
The property market in Sydney is booming, which has pushed rental prices through the roof. Find the top 5 best bargain areas to rent in Sydney here!
The property market in Sydney is booming, which has pushed rental prices through the roof. Find the top 5 best bargain areas to rent in Sydney here!
Dogs bring so much joy to our lives, but this does come at a cost. So how expensive is dog maintenance in 2022? Find out here and learn your options!
Failing to pay off unpaid bills can land you in a sticky situation. Fortunately, there are solutions. Read on to learn how to get rid of a court judgment.
Having bad credit can make life hard. From difficulty getting a phone contract to high interest rates for loans. Learn these key tips to avoid bad credit.
The personal loans vs credit cards debate has been argued about for years. We break down both types of finance to conclude which option you should go for…
Keeping up with bills is tough. But it’s crucial. Wondering “what happens if I miss a loan payment?” Find out the consequences here & how to avoid them.
Do you find it hard to saving money? Are you looking for a simple solution to help you? We break down our top 3 best money saving apps Australia!
Read these 5 simple tips to improve credit score. It’s faster & easier than you might think to get back on track & take control of your finances. Find out here!
If you fail to meet the terms of a credit agreement then debt recovery in the form of a default judgment in court may be launched against you. Find solutions…
Unpaid business invoices have to be recovered within a certain time period. Don’t risk forfeiting the payment altogether. Learn how it works in Australia…
There are so many different reasons you might be looking to take out a loan. Whether it is for a luxury expense, such as an
Find out how to check your credit score here. It’s fast & easy and being aware of it puts you in the drivers seat when applying for finance!
We reveal whether credit repair companies really work & discuss the good vs the bad. Are they worth the time & money? Find out here!
Grocery shopping is an expense that we all face, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are 11 top tips to break free & save money on groceries.
We all want to save money so that we can plan a better future for ourselves. We have various goals such as traveling, buying a car, purchasing our dream home – but when we have a relatively low income, this might seem impossible.
If you’re wondering whether or not credit inquiries can lower your credit score, the answer is ‘it depends’. While a soft inquiry will not affect your credit rating, hard inquiries can. Here’s why.
Finding yourself in a position of bad credit can be extremely stressful. Discover how the credit repair process can help you to be approved loans again.
Credit repair is a term used to describe the process of improving an individual’s credit report. This can be achieved through the removal or adjustment of incorrect negative credit listings from a person’s credit file. Credit repair is a possibility in Australia, but first, it’s important to understand what could have damaged your rating in the first place.
Are you always maxing out your credit card? Do you let your bills pile up? It can be easy to do but unfortunately this activity can have a detrimental effect on your credit report. A poor credit rating might not seem like a big deal, but lenders will view any negative listings on your credit report as a red flag.
The holiday season is an expensive time of year. Many Aussies resort to credit to get by, but this often results in a lingering debt hangover. A recent study by Finder revealed that 37% of Aussies will still be repaying their Christmas debt in 2020. Carrying a high amount of debt can damage your credit score
With Christmas on the horizon, there is much “talk” of the tendency of many people to go into debt for the holiday. Obviously, overspending is a serious concern, especially as it can lead to bad credit. But what if you already have bad credit? How do you rebuild a bad credit score? Is there such a thing?
The end of the year is always a busy time and it’s no secret that the holidays can leave us feeling a little strapped for cash. These Summer holidays, why not pick up a side hustle and see if you can bring in some extra money to help you make those ends meet?
With only a few weeks until the start of 2020, now is probably a good time for you to decide upon one or more New Year financial goals that you feel is/are realistic and perfectly achievable. Whether you are in a strong place financially or are struggling, it would be great to put in place at least one such goal that you can maintain
Stepping up into the world of credit cards is an exciting milestone that we often aren’t prepared for. It’s also a big adjustment. While most of us have an idea of how the credit card works before we dive in, it can be all too easy to get carried away or step back from responsible spending.
Before you go ahead and take out a loan – whatever type it may be – it is important to shop around and make sure you are getting the best deal. Once you decide to apply for a credit product, whether that is a credit card, a loan, or a utilities application, then a credit enquiry is recorded on your file.
Christmas is notoriously expensive, and costs can start piling between end of year celebrations and Christmas shopping. Those without enough cash saved will often resort to credit to tide them over. But this can result in a post-festive debt hangover that lingers well into the new year.
Plenty of us are guilty of overspending during the holiday period, but this carefree attitude to money can end up damaging your credit score in the long run.
There are times when you might not be able to save money – especially when you don’t even know how to do it, or what costs to cut.
Sharehouse living has its ups and downs. Whether you love or loathe your housemates, there’s one thing everyone can agree on: being broke isn’t fun.
No one plans to fall behind on their personal loan repayments, but sometimes life can get in the way. You might have to fork out for urgent dental work, or maybe you received a speeding fine in the mail..
Whist it is tempting to blast the heater in summer, your energy bill can quickly creep up on you. Follow these four tips below to cut the cost of keeping cosy this winter.
After years of working hard at your nine-to-five, a pay rise can seem like the perfect excuse to treat yourself. Of course you need a lavish holiday to Hawaii. And those nice leather boots — you’ve earned them!
Credit repair is not a piece of cake-but there are things you can do to bounce back from your past credit mistakes.
Your twenties are notoriously expensive. Most people are living out of home for the first time,trying to find that elusive balance between paying rent, saving for a home and maintaining a colourful social life
If you’ve got a bit of a guilty conscience when it comes to your credit history, you’re not alone. Around 2.7 million Australians avoid checking their credit report for fear of having a bad credit score.
Not everyone can apply for serious financial hardship. Not getting enough money to pay your bills or to meet your daily needs wouldn’t suffice. The law set specific circumstances where individuals can take refuge from this legal exception. Serious hardship is a situation in which you can no longer pay your debts and bills. It is a relief offered by creditors and the taxation office to release borrowers from certain types of financial obligations
Bankruptcy is a painful learning experience that reminds us that we messed up with the way we managed debts. But, just like everyone else who stumbled, it is a reminder that we should get back on our feet, shrug off the momentary embarrassment and move forward to a better financial future. Fortunately for you, there are measure which can help in repairing your credit after bankruptcy.
Many people are looking for easy ways to fix bad credit simply because a bad credit score will disqualify you for almost anything. Luckily, a few debt management techniques and lifestyle changes can help you improve your score.
A credit score is a number that represents your repayment habits, credit history, credit mix, and how you manage your debts. In short, there are various factors that credit bureaus consider aside from your outstanding debts and how good you are at paying them on time. A credit score speaks so much about your credit worthiness or your ability to repay your debts.
If you have unpaid defaults, it will be marked on your credit file or result in court judgements. Not making minimum payments on your credit card or missing payment schedules for loans without speaking to the company or lender about coming to some payment arrangement for payment could damage your credit score
If you have taken credit for any reason and you were unable to pay on time, then you’re probably one of the borrowers with less stellar credit rating. And so, you might be asking yourself, “How can I strategise debt management to give my credit rating a boost?”
What is the Statue of Limitations NSW and how can it help you clear your debts? Did you know that the Statute of Limitations NSW erases some of your 6 year old debts?
Is your spending pattern driving your credit score in Australia to its lowest point? Here are some tips to help you save more, spend less and earn more in the process.
Are you a financially aware but your spouse hates saving? Conflicting opinions on money are one of the most common reasons of fighting between couples. Here are tips to save money and boost your credit rating without fighting over money.
There are three major reasons why a person’s credit score goes down. Having too much debt, not paying bills on time and leaving errors on the credit file undisputed. The bottom line is, you’re overcharging your credit accounts and underpaying them. If money is the issue—then, it’s time to do some saving up.
Unlike what some people think, bankruptcy is not complete surrender, nor is debt consolidation an all-out solution.
Here are five common mistakes to avoid when applying for personal loan bad credit:
Life happens, and sometimes it can take an unexpected turn. You are suffering from financial hardship if you are struggling to make ends meet, and finding it hard to pay your utility bills or to meet your loan repayments because of the following circumstances:
Credit repair letters represent the best method you can use to repair your credit score.
When you are desperate, you are more vulnerable to scams of credit repair and dodgy money lenders whose sole purpose is to take advantage of you. Such a credit repair scam can cost you thousands of dollars, and if the service fooled you once, it will fool you again.
Your credit score is a reflection of your borrowing habits. Sometimes, it is a product of typographical errors, inaccurate reports and identity theft.
Let’s face it, not everybody wants to fix their credit report on their own. It is time-consuming and sometimes, an emotional process for many consumers.
Are you planning to maintain your good credit rating? Or do you need to improve your current credit score, so that you will have more financing options?
What would your financial status be like if you could erase bad credit from your credit file?
Having to deal with credit card debt can be frustrating, and most of the time, you will see no end to it.
Debts do expire. After a certain period of time, creditors can no longer recover the money they lent you. While the list of statute of limitations is not a solution to your credit issues, it can protect you from unlawful actions of creditors and unnecessary entries in your credit report.
If you just had a poor credit because of foreclosure and you got horrible collection notices on your doorstep, don’t worry. There are still some drastic measures you can do to give your credit score its much needed bump.
You know the rules—timely payment, low debt levels, credit mix, old account and good new credit are necessary ingredients of a healthy credit score. Having
A secured credit card is a fantastic tool for building your credit from zero or for repairing a seriously damaged credit file. But, if you’re
You may have heard it all the time, “If you want to build your credit, get a secured card”. If you have zero credit or you want to build a damaged one, secured card is a fantastic way building a good financial history. There is also a 100% chance of approval because a secured card is safeguarded by a deposit which also works as your credit limit.